What did you do before creating Worthing Gin? We have always been in the hospitality business, either running events or operating our own venues. When Alison is not involved in the business she works for West Sussex Social Services with children with special needs. What made you decide to create Worthing Gin and what's the inspiration behind it? After a long hot day in Worthing during 2018 I was relaxing on Worthing Pier having a well-deserved drink whilst overlooking the Worthing Med. It’s times like this that the mind wanders and sends you in all directions. It was one of those moments and some would say the crossroads! A classic Worthing Gin I felt was required. All I had to do now was to follow it through with a great original recipe, hard work and a bit of luck. That very evening in the hot sun I started sketching ideas for a logo as well as what I would like in a classic but distinctive Gin. How did you get from the idea to the finished product? The next day I started researching all aspects of the project and I knew then this was going to be a fun and exciting journey. I contacted Tom from Martin Wells Distillery who I knew well and who was also on a similar journey but a few years further down the road. After Several meetings and discussions together explaining what I felt was needed for this original recipe that had to have a classic smooth taste that holds in your mouth as well as a warm feeling that leaves you wanting more. We played around with various botanicals and started blending these late in to the nights. The results of our hard work and sleepless nights is hopefully that you’re either reading this with a glass of Worthing Gin in your hand or you are going to the Shopping tab on the website and ordering a bottle soon to see what the fuss is about. Can you tell us more about the distillery? The distillery has just moved in the last couple of weeks and is now a 5 min walk from our Worthing Gin shop at the Guildbourne Centre in the centre of Worthing. It’s a brick built bare shell of a building at the moment but refurbishment plans are in place to obviously increase all the necessary distillery equipment because of the demand and further plans for all our gins as well as planned tours. What have been the biggest challenges and achievements so far? Like all new businesses it’s all very exciting when you start with a 1,000 ideas and plans rushing through your head at once, but at the same time you have to manage these thoughts and pull on the reigns tight so that you do not sprint away too quick. Purchasing our Citroen Classic Van and branding it in the Worthing Gin colours and calling it ‘Gin Genie’ has been fun. We have been on Worthing seafront all summer serving Gin and Tonics whilst relaxing on the beach or take a bottle home for personal use. We will be back doing it all again next year from April to September. How would you describe Worthing Gin in 3 words?
Smooth, timeless, relaxing What's your favourite way to drink your gin? A large glass with ice and garnish. Wherever possible I like to be in a controlled or relaxing mood when drinking gin, so I can let the flavours and aromas of whatever I’m drinking take control quickly so it takes me to a good place. What gins would you always have on your gin shelf (other than your own of course?) / Any favourites at the moment? We were at The Gin To My Tonic's Glasgow show earlier in the year and there were some really nice Scottish gins as well as the Secret Garden range that we also bought. What's next for Worthing Gin - any exciting plans? We have a gin planned with some interesting local botanicals which at the moment is called ‘A gin with no name’, scheduled for April/May 2021. Buy Worthing Gin: www.worthinggin.co.uk Review & Tasting Notes: Worthing Gin Comments are closed.